Κυριακή 3 Απριλίου 2022

COVID-19, pandemia y acúfeno

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Resumen El acúfeno es un síntoma que puede presentarse aislado o en diferentes patologías. Se describe como la percepción de un sonido o percepción auditiva fantasma no producida por una vibración o estímulo acústico externo, que es inaudible para el entorno. La COVID-19 causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, es una enfermedad que ha mostrado diversidad en su expresión, severidad, síntomas y secuelas. El acúfeno es una condición relacionada con el sistema auditivo que ha sido estudiada durante la pandemia por COVID-19 y se ha podido observar un incremento en la incidencia y/o exacerbación de la percepción de este síntoma, en donde se involucran múltiples factores que se vuelven importantes de considerar.
Abstract Tinnitus is a symptom that can occur in isolation or in different pathologies. It is described as the perception of a sound, or as a phantom auditory perception that is not produced by a vibration or external acoustic stimulus, which is inaudible to the en vironment. COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is a disease that has shown diversity in its expression, severity, symptoms and sequelae. Tinnitus is a condition related to the auditory system that has been studied during the COVID-19 pandemic, and an increase in the incidence and/or exacerbation of the perception of this symptom has been observed, involving multiple factors that become important to consider.
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Adenitis cervical con anaerobios sin causa aparente en lactante

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Resumen Las adenopatías cervicales benignas en lactantes son relativamente frecuentes, se definen como el aumento de volumen ganglionar de más de 1 cm, sin síntomas sistémicos y cuando están presentes, el término correcto es adenitis. Para su estudio, las adenitis se dividen en: locales, sistémicas, unilaterales, bilaterales, agudas, crónicas, y por edad, con diferentes etiologías. Se presenta el caso clínico de un lactante de 11 meses de edad con diagnóstico de adenitis cervical abscedada unilateral aguda, con cuadro de 72 h de evolución, con crecimiento constante a nivel cervical derecho, compromiso del estado general, fiebre y anorexia, por lo que se inician antibióticos de primera línea para los agentes bacterianos más frecuentes (Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus pyogenes), con evolución tórpida a las 48 h, por lo que se solicita ultrasonido cervical, ya que la familia no contaba con recursos para solicitar cultivo o tomografía, reportando el ultrason ido ganglio cervical de 3,5 cm de diámetro abscedado, por lo que se agrega cobertura para anaerobios, con respuesta muy favorable a las 24 h. Queda la duda del origen de los anaerobios en la paciente, sin antecedentes de importancia y en grupo etario diferente al afectado por esos gérmenes. Consideramos este caso interesante por su comportamiento atípico, para el enriquecimiento del ejercicio de la otorrinolaringología, recalcando el invaluable apoyo de la clínica y solo con un ultrasonido, ya que no siempre se tendrán todos los recursos disponibles, pero siguiendo las pautas de lo reportado en la literatura, se tuvo una resolución exitosa.
Abstract Benign cervical lymphadenopathies in infants are relatively frequent, they are defined as an increase in lymph node volume of more than 1 cm, without systemic symptoms, and when they are present, the correct term is adenitis. For its study, adenitis is divided into: local, systemic, unilateral, bilateral, acute, chronic, and by age, with different etiologies. An 11-month-old infant with a diagnosis of acute unilateral abscessed cervical adenitis, with a 72 h evolution, with constant growth at the right cervical level, fever and anorexia, for which first-line antibiotics were started to the most frequent bacterial agents (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes), with torpid evolution at 48 h, for which only cervical ultrasound is requested, since the family did not have the resources to request culture or tomography, reporting the cervical ganglion ultrasound of 3.5 cm of abscessed diameter, so coverage for anaerobes is added, with a very favorable response at 24 hrs. There remains the doubt of the origin of the anaerobes in the patient, without important antecedents and in an age group different from that affected by these germs. We consider this case interesting due to its atypical behavior, for the enrichment of the otolaryngology exercise, emphasizing the invaluable support of the clinic, and only with an ultrasound, since other clinical tools were not available, but following the guidelines of what is reported in literature, there was a successful resolution.
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Allergische Reaktionen auf Bioimplantate

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Bioimplantate werden im HNO-Bereich vielfältig eingesetzt, am häufigsten in der rekonstruktiven Gesichtschirurgie, bei Cochleaimplantaten (CI), knochenverankerten Hörgeräten, PORP/TORP-Prothesen („partial ossicular replacement prosthesis", „total ossicular replacement prosthesis"), aber auch u. a. bei Paukendrainagen, Larynxkanülen, Stimmprothesen nach Laryngektomie und auch bei „HNO-nahen" Eingriffen als dentale Implantate in der Zahnmedizin.


In einer Literatursuche wurde die Immunologie allergischer Reaktionen auf Bioimplantate analysiert und die vorhandene Evidenz ermittelt durch Recherchen in den Datenbanken Medline, PubMed sowie den nationalen und internationalen Studien- und Leitlinienregistern und der Cochrane Library. Es wurden Humanstudien berücksichtigt, die im Zeitraum bis einschließlich 12/2021 publiziert wurden.


Basierend auf der internationalen Literatur und bisheriger Erfahrungen wird eine Übersicht über Allergien auf Bioimplantate in der HNO-Heilkunde gegeben.


HNO-Ärzte sollten bei Einbringen allogener Materialien immer auch an die Möglichkeit allergischer Reaktionen denken – insbesondere auch, aber nicht nur – bei Bioimplantaten.

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Spezielle Tumorentitäten im Kopf-Hals-Bereich

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In den letzten Jahren zeigt sich auch bei den speziellen Tumorentitäten im Kopf-Hals-Bereich eine zunehmende Studiendynamik. Bei den onkologischen Tagungen der American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) und European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2021 wurden einige Studien vorgestellt, welche Änderungen im klinischen Alltag von Nasopharynxkarzinom, Speicheldrüsenkarzinom und Schilddrüsenkarzinom erwarten lassen.

Ziel der Arbeit

Zukünftige Therapieneuerungen spezieller HNO-Tumorentitäten wurden nach Sichtung der auf den Tagungen ASCO 2021 und ESMO 2021 präsentierten klinischen Studien abgeschätzt.

Material und Methoden

Es erfolgte eine systematische Analyse der präsentierten klinischen Phase-II- und -III-Studien zur Behandlung von Nasopharynx‑, Speicheldrüsen- und Schilddrüsenkarzinomen. Unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Therapiestandards wurden die Ergebnisse bezüglich ihrer potenziell klinischen Bedeutung eingeordnet.

Ergebnisse und Diskussion

In der kurativen Therapie von fortgeschrittenen Nasopharynxkarzinomen ist eine adjuvante Therapie mit Capecitabin nach primärer Radiochemotherapie als neuer Standard zu diskutieren. In der palliativen Therapie von Nasopharynxkarzinomen ist eine zunehmende Rolle von Immuntherapien zu prognostizieren. Rezidivierte/metastasierte Speicheldrüsenkarzinome werden bei Vorliegen molekularer angreifbarer Zielläsionen mit zielgerichteten Substanzen teilweise sehr effektiv behandelt. Immuntherapien spielen aktuell eine untergeordnete Rolle, scheinen sie nur bei wenigen Patienten mit Speicheldrüsenkarzinomen effektiv zu sein, die sich aktuell durch prädiktive Marker nicht verlässlich identifizieren lassen. Patienten mit radioiodrefraktären differenzierten Schilddrüsenkarzinom profitieren nach Versagen einer VEGFR-TKI-Therapie („vascular endothelial growth factor receptor", Tyrosinkinaseinhibitor) von einer Therapie mit dem Multi-TKI Cabozantinib.

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A comparative assessment of the amount and rate of orthodontic space closure toward a healed vs recent lower premolar extraction site

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Angle Orthod. 2022 Mar 28. doi: 10.2319/102921-797.1. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: To investigate and compare the amount and rate of space closure and tooth tipping during orthodontic space closure toward a recent vs healed first premolar extraction site.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mandibular arches of 23 patients were included. Treatment plans included lower first premolar extractions. After reaching 0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless-steel archwires (SSAW), patients were subdivided into two groups (Group 1: space closure was carried out toward a healed first premolar extraction space and Group 2: space closure was carried out immediately after first premolar extraction). Elastomeric power chain from second molar to second molar was used to close lower extraction spaces. The following time points were defined: T1: just before space closure; T2-T4: 1-3 months after initial space closure. Records consisted of dental study models. The amount and rate of extraction space closure were evaluated at each time point.

RESULTS: In Group 1 (healed socket), a total amount of 1.98 mm (coronally) and 1.75 mm (gingivally) of space closure was achieved. The rate of space closure was 0.66 mm/month coronally and 0.58 mm/month gingivally. In Group 2 (recent socket), the total amount of space closure was 3.02 mm coronally and 2.68 mm gingivally. The rate of space closure was 1.01 mm/month coronally and 0.89 mm/month gingivally. Differences between t he two groups were significant (P < .01). Tipping of adjacent teeth during space closure was similar in both groups (P > .05).

CONCLUSIONS: In the lower arch, the amount and rate of space closure toward a recent extraction site were higher than that toward a healed extraction socket with similar tipping of teeth in both groups.

PMID:35344007 | DOI:10.2319/102921-797.1

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Woke up dead: A review on traumatic brain injuries

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TBI risk factors, managing patient refusals and oxygenation tips for treating head injuries
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Envista Obtains FDA Clearance for Assisted Intelligence Mandibular Nerve Tracing

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 We are seeing more and more artificial intelligence systems enter into the healthcare space and dentistry in general.  Envista is a large player in the dental space, owning several companies under t he "umbrella" of Envista.

Many of the companies that are owned by Envista have products in the tech sphere and the company works hard with research & development to expand the use of its technologies across its portfolio.

Now comes word that the company has received FDA clearance for mapping of the inferior alveolar nerve.  The process, which has been referred to as "nerve tracing" for years has, until now, required manual input from the doctor. 

Before this discovery, it was necessary for the office to take a CBCT scan and then manually trace points along the mandibular canal.  When completed, the software would plot a line through all of the points to indicate the location of the canal throughout the mandible.

Now... that process has been automated.  I recently made a post about the dental A.I. company Pearl and how that company's FDA clearance was a watershed moment in dentistry.  Now we've reached another A.I. milestone in the profession.  This announcement is groundbreaking and these types of A.I. assisted procedures are only going to become more commonplace.

The profession has shown the FDA that these types of systems work reliably and this is only the beginning.  Here is full announcement from Envista:

Envista announced today the 510(k) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance of its Assisted Intelligence (AI) mandibular nerve tracing feature in its image acquisition and diagnostic software platform DTX Studio Clinic.

The tracing of the mandibular nerve in modern dentistry is of high significance as it influences the available therapeutic options for the patient. The proper visualization of the nerve can prevent complications. When done manually, it is a task that can be both time-consuming and error prone. DTX's AI capabilities supports clinicians as they perform this important task.

This clearance complements a series of AI-powered functionality in DTX Studio Clinic. In 2017, Envista obtained FDA clearance for its AI-driven 3D virtual tooth setup algorithm. In 2020, a further clearance was received for automatic tooth position identification and automated sorting of full-mouth x-ray series. On March 25, the FDA cleared the third AI-focused 510(k) for the fully automated mandibular nerve tracing on CBCT scans.

Amir Aghdaei, Envista CEO, said, "This cle arance is another important step towards our digital strategy of expanding the capabilities of our powerful, unified, and open dental diagnostic software platform DTX Studio Clinic. With its combination of a user-friendly interface and AI-driven functionality, DTX Studio Clinic reduces the time clinicians spend on time-consuming tasks, while simultaneously helping prevent complications and enabling increased focus on the patient. We are particularly proud of our fully automated mandibular nerve tracing functionality with its high clinical relevance for dental implant-based patient rehabilitations."

About Envista Holdings Corporation

Envista is a global family of more than 30 trusted dental brands, including Nobel Biocare, Ormco, DEXIS, and Kerr united by a shared purpose: to partner with professionals to improve lives. Envista helps its customers deliver the best possible patient care through industry-leading dental consumables, solutions, technology, and services. Our comprehensive portfolio, including dental implants and treatment options, orthodontics, and digital imaging technologies, covers a broad range of dentists' clinical needs for diagnosing, treating, and preventing dental conditions as well as improving the aesthetics of the human smile. With a foundation comprised of the proven Envista Business System (EBS) methodology, an experienced leadership team, and a strong culture grounded in continuous improvement, commitment to innovation, and deep customer focus, Envista is well equipped to meet the end-to-end needs of dental professionals worldwide. Envista is one of the largest global dental products companies, with significant market positions in some of the most attractive segments of the dental products industry. For more information, pl ease visit www.envistaco.com.

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Navigating the Regulatory Pathway for Medical Devices—a Conversation with the FDA, Clinicians, Researchers, and Industry Experts

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Successful translation of new and innovative medical products from concept to clinical use is a complex endeavor that requires understanding and overcoming a variety of challenges. In particular, regulatory pathways and processes are often unfamiliar to academic researchers and start-ups, and even larger companies. Growing evidence suggests that the successful translation of ideas to products requires collaboration and cooperation between clinicians, researchers, industry, and regulators. A multi-stakeholder group developed this review to enhance regulatory knowledge and thereby improve translational success for medical devices. Communication between and among stakeholders is identified as a critical factor. Current regulatory programs and processes to facilitate communication and translation of innovative devices are described and discussed. Case studies are used to highlight the importance of flexibility when considering evidence requirements. We provide a revi ew of emerging strategies, opportunities, and best practices to increase the regulatory knowledge base and facilitate medical device translation by all stakeholders.

Graphical abstract

Clinicians, regulators, industry, and researchers require regulatory knowledge and collaboration for successful translation of innovative medical devices

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18F-FDG-PET/CT can be used to predict distant metastasis in hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (HPSCC) has a high rate of distant metastasis, resulting in poor prognosis. The role of the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), which was assessed via pretreatmen...
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In Vivo Murine Models of Cardiotoxicity Due to Anticancer Drugs: Challenges and Opportunities for Clinical Translation

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Modern therapeutic approaches have led to an improvement in the chances of surviving a diagnosis of cancer. However, this may come with side effects, with patients experiencing adverse cardiovascular events or exacerbation of underlying cardiovascular disease related to their cancer treatment. Rodent models of chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity are useful to define pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiac damage and to identify potential therapeutic targets. The key mechanisms involved in cardiotoxicity induced by specific different antineoplastic agents are summarized in this state-of-the-art review, as well as the rodent models of cardiotoxicity by different classes of anticancer drugs, along with the strategies tested for primary and secondary cardioprotection. Current approaches for early detection of cardiotoxicity in preclinical studies with a focus on the application of advanced imaging modalities and biomarker strategies are also discussed.

Graphical abstract

Potential applications of cardiotoxicity modelling in rodents are illustrated in relation to the advancements of promising research topics of cardiotoxicity. Created with BioRender.com.

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Endoscopic Adenoidectomy Replacing the Outdated Curette Adenoidectomy: Comparison of the Two Methods at a Tertiary Care Centre

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To compare intraoperative and postoperative parameters of the two techniques of adenoidectomy, endoscope and microdebrider powered adenoidectomy and conventional adenoidectomy. Study Design Prospective study. Setting: Academic tertiary referral centre. In our study, cases of adenoid hypertrophy were randomly selected from the outpatient department of department of ORL & HNS. Out of these patients, 30 underwent Endoscopic adenoidectomy (EA) (Group A) and 30 underwent Conventional adenoidectomy (CA) (Group B). All of the patients were assessed pre-operatively, intra-operatively and post-operatively to compare the various parameters. The most common complaint in both the groups was mouth breathing with snoring. Intra-operative bleeding was 29.15 ml in group EA and 15.2 ml in group CA. Operative time for CA was shorter at 21.8 min as compared to 32.1 min for group EA. Residual adenoids and injury to adjacent structures were more common in group CA. Hospital stay was 3.2 days for EA patients and 3.43 days for CA patients. Resolution of symptoms was near comparable in both groups. Operative time and intra-operative bleeding are both significantly reduced with the CA as opposed to EA. However, injury to adjacent structures and residual adenoids occur significantly less in group EA. After weighing the risks and benefits, we can conclude that EA is comparatively better than CA.

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