Κυριακή 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Chronic Oral Diseases Burden: the confluence of caries and periodontitis throughout life

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To investigate the confluence of caries and periodontitis indicators from adolescence to elderhood among Americans.


This cross-sectional study explored the grouping among a set of caries and periodontitis indicators [the proportion of sites with bleeding on probing (BoP), moderate probing pocket depth (PPD, 4-5mm), severe PPD (≥ 6mm), moderate clinical attachment level (CAL, 3-4mm), severe CAL (≥ 5mm), number of teeth with furcation involvement, number of decayed teeth, number of teeth with pulp involvement and the number of missing teeth] in 14,421 Americans from the NHANES III. Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA) was used to determine the constructs between those indicators (factorial loading ≥ 0.3). These analyses were stratified by age and confirmed with a confirmatory factorial analysis. We also performed a sensitivity analysis using the NHANES 2011-2014.


Two constructs were extracted. The first, Chronic Oral Diseases Burden, grouped caries indicators with moderate PPD and moderate CAL for the youngest subjects (13 to 39 y-old); while for the subjects over 50 y-old, the Chronic Oral Disease Burden grouped caries indicators with severe CAL and PPD and furcation involvement. The second construct, Periodontal Destruction, grouped only periodontitis indicators.


Caries and periodontitis indicators grouped consistently across the different age ranges in lapse times of 25 years.

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Neuroendokrine Tumoren im Kopf-, Halsbereich

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DOI: 10.1055/a-1976-9641

Hintergrund Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NET) sind benigne oder maligne Neoplasien, die entwicklungsgeschichtlich der Neuralleiste oder paraganglionären Zellen des vegetativen Nervensystems entstammen. Die alte Bezeichnung Karzinoid (karzinomähnlicher Tumor) ist noch sehr verbreitet, jedoch inzwischen obsolet. Lediglich 0,5–2 % aller Neoplasien des Menschen sind neuroendokrine Tumoren, welche überwiegend gastrointestinal oder bronchopulmonal lokalisiert sind. Die Inzidenz beträgt 9.263/100.000. Jedoch ist nur 1 % der Kopf-Hals-Tumore neuroendokriner Genese. Fallzahlstarke Langzeitstudien und Leitlinien zur Diagnose und Therapie im Kopf-Hals Bereich fehlen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist der wertende Vergleich bekannter Therapiestrategien und daraus folgender Krankheitsverläufe sowie deren Vergleich mit dem Schrifttum anhand eigener Fälle unterschiedlicher Lokalisation und Ausdehnung. Patienten und Methoden In unserer Klinik wurden zwischen 2010 und 2017 14 Patienten mit neuroendokrinen Tumoren im Kopf-Hals-Bereich behandelt. 8 Patienten davon wurden primär operativ mit adjuvanter Radiochemotherapie versorgt. 6 Patienten erhielten eine primäre Radiochemotherapie in kurativer Absicht. 1 Patient erhielt auf Grund des Tumorprogress nach der primären Radiochemotherapie eine weitere Chemotherapie mit palliativer Indikation. Ergebnisse Die Tumorlokalisationen verteilen sich auf den Larynx (n = 7), die Glandula parotis (n = 2) und auf die Nasenhaupt- und -nebenhöhlen (n=5). Von den 8 operierten Patienten konnte in sechs Fällen eine in-sano Resektion (R0) erreicht werden. Die im Kollektiv gemessene Gesamtüberlebensrate beträgt im Mittel 19±6 Monate. Von den 14 untersuchten Patienten erlitten zwei Patienten ein Rezidiv, wovon ein Patient nach 7 Monaten verstarb und ein Patient 32 Monate nach der Nachresektion Rezidiv-frei lebt. In zwei Fällen sprach das NET nicht auf die kombinierte RCT an und die Patienten verstarben jeweils nach sechs und 13 Monaten. Die Überlebenszeit ist abhängig vom T-Stadium des NET sowie vom Erreichen einer R0-Resektion. Die R0-Resektion bietet eine höhere Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit als die primäre RCT. Schlussfolgerung Patienten mit NET des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches müssen in spezialisierten Zentren interdisziplinär behandelt werden. Zur Erfassung dieser Daten ist eine Tumordatenbank notwendig. Jedoch sind aufgrund der niedrigen Inzidenz keine Studien auf hohem Evidenzniveau zu erwarten. Nach effizienter Diagnosestellung sollte zeitliche Verzögerung unmittelbar im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Tumorkonferenz eine individuelle auf den Patienten zugeschnittene Therapie erfolgen.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

Article in Thieme eJournals:
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Treatment outcomes and cost comparisons for older adults with T4 laryngeal squamous cell cancer

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To evaluate treatment modalities of T4 larynx cancer in older adults using SEER-Medicare.


The database was queried for patients aged 66 and older with nonmetastatic T4 laryngeal squamous cell cancer from 2006 to 2015. Treatment modalities compared were surgery plus chemoradiation (SCR), surgery plus radiation (SR), chemoradiation (CR), surgery (S), and radiation (R). Multivariate analysis and Kaplan–Meier methods were used to explore the relationship of treatment modality and survival. Total cancer-related costs were calculated.


A total of 438 patients met inclusion criteria. Patients receiving CR or SR had similar CSS to SCR (HR 1.36 and HR 1.24, respectively). Those receiving S (HR 2.00) or R (HR 2.41) had significantly worse CSS. Similar findings were observed for OS. Cancer care-related costs were not significantly different but highest in SCR ($162215) and lowest in R ($121421).


Older patients with T4 larynx cancer had similar survival rates when treated with CR, SR, and SCR. Average total health care costs were not significantly different between modalities. Patients not eligible for triple-modality could consider these other treatment options.

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enzyme replacement therapy followed by stem cell transplantation in children with Gaucher disease type 1 and 3

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Gaucher disease (GD) is a lysosomal storage disorder, characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, bone diseases, with or without neurological symptoms. Plasma glucosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb1), a highly sensitive and specific biomarker for GD, has been used for diagnosis and monitoring the response to treatment. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is an effective treatment for the non-neurologic symptoms of GD. Neuronopathic GD (type 2 and 3) accounts for 60%–70% of the Asian affected population.


We explored combination therapy of ERT followed by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and its long-term outcomes in patients with GD type 3 (GD3).


Four patients with GD3 and one with GD type 1 (GD1) underwent HSCT. The types of donor were one matched-related, one matched-unrelated, and three haploidentical. The age at disease onset was 6–18 months and the age at HSCT was 3.8–15 years in the patients with GD3. The latest age at follow-up was 8–22 years, with a post-HSCT duration of 3–14 years. All patients had successful HSCT. Chronic graft-versus-host disease occurred in one patient. The enzyme activities were normalized at 2 weeks post HSCT. Lyso-Gb1 concentrations became lower than the pathological value. All of the patients are still alive and physically independent. Most of them (4/5) returned to school. None of the patients with GD3 had seizures or additional neurological symptoms after HSCT, but showed varying degrees of cognitive impairment.


ERT followed by HSCT could be considered as an alternative treatment for patients with GD3 who have a high risk of fatal neurological progression.

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Influence of a resorbable collagen membrane for alveolar bone graft on clinical outcomes and ridge volume stability in cleft alveolus

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This study compared the clinical outcomes, graft quality, and graft quantity after alveolar bone grafting with and without a resorbable collagen membrane. Twenty unilateral cleft patients undergoing defect repair with cancellous iliac bone were assigned to either the collagen membrane group (Mb group) or standard group without a membrane (St group). Postoperative pain and swelling, bone density, and bone volume and quality were assessed. The Mb group showed significantly lower postoperative pain than the St group (P   (Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
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Dendritic spine loss in epileptogenic Type II focal cortical dysplasia: Role of enhanced classical complement pathway activation

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Dendritic spines are the postsynaptic sites for most excitatory glutamatergic synapses. We previously demonstrated a severe spine loss and synaptic reorganization in human neocortices presenting Type II focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), a developmental malformation and frequent cause of drug-resistant focal epilepsy. We extend the findings, investigating the potential role of complement components C1q and C3 in synaptic pruning imbalance. Data from Type II FCD were compared with those obtained in focal epilepsies with different etiologies. Neocortical tissues were collected from 20 subjects, mainly adults with a mean age at surgery of 31 years, admitted to epilepsy surgery with a neuropathological diagnosis of: cryptogenic, temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis, and Type IIa/b FCD. Dendritic spine density quantitation, evaluated in a previous paper using Golgi impregnation, was available in a subgroup. Immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, electron microscopy, a nd organotypic cultures were utilized to study complement/microglial activation patterns. FCD Type II samples presenting dendritic spine loss were characterized by an activation of the classical complement pathway and microglial reactivity. In the same samples, a close relationship between microglial cells and dendritic segments/synapses was found. These features were consistently observed in Type IIb FCD and in 1 of 3 Type IIa cases. In other patient groups and in perilesional areas outside the dysplasia, not presenting spine loss, these features were not observed. In vitro treatment with complement proteins of organotypic slices of cortical tissue with no sign of FCD induced a reduction in dendritic spine density. These data suggest that dysregulation of the complement system plays a role in microglia-mediated spine loss. This mechanism, known to be involved in the removal of redundant synapses during development, is likely reactivated in Type II FCD, particularly in Type IIb; loc al treatment with anticomplement drugs could in principle modify the course of disease in these patients.

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Epstein–Barr virus‐positive diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma onset as familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in an infant

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Imaging of pediatric calvarial and skull base tumors: A COG Diagnostic Imaging Committee/SPR Oncology Committee/ASPNR White Paper

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A standardized imaging protocol for pediatric oncology patients is essential for accurate and efficient imaging, while simultaneously promoting collaborative understanding of pathologies and radiologic assessment of treatment response. The objective of this article is to provide standardized pediatric imaging guidelines and parameters for evaluation of tumors of the pediatric orbit, calvarium, skull base, and temporal bone. This article was drafted based on current scientific literature as well as consensus opinions of imaging experts in collaboration with the Children's Oncology Group Diagnostic Imaging Committee, Society of Pediatric Radiology Oncology Committee, and American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology.

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