Τρίτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Developing New, Rational Therapies for Recalcitrant Small Cell Lung Cancer

<span class="paragraphSection"> The Recalcitrant Cancer Research Congressional Act of 2012 (H.R.733) directs the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to utilize resources for research and treatment of recalcitrant cancers having five-year relative survival rates of less than 20% that have not seen substantial progress in diagnosis or treatment. The initial focus will be on pancreatic carcinoma and small cell cancer of the lung (SCLC). SCLC is strongly associated with tobacco exposure and is characterized by rapid growth, early metastasis, and a five-year survival rate of less than 7%. The basic therapeutic approach for SCLC has remained unchanged for three decades, and no effective targeted therapies exist to date ( <a href="#djw119-B1" class="reflinks">1</a> , <a href="#djw119-B2" class="reflinks">2</a> ). SCLC is a poster child for recalcitrant cancers as documented in subsequent NCI responses and workshop proceedings ( <a href="#djw119-B3" class="reflinks">3</a> , <a href="#djw119-B4" class="reflinks">4</a> ). </span>


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