Τρίτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2017

[Cyto-histological correlation in the management of parotid gland tumors: A retrospective study of 160 cases].

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[Cyto-histological correlation in the management of parotid gland tumors: A retrospective study of 160 cases].

Bull Cancer. 2017 Oct 11;:

Authors: Pommier A, Lerat J, Orsel S, Bessede JP, Aubry K

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to correlate the cytological and histological results and evaluate the diagnostic performance of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the management of parotid gland tumors.
METHODS: This retrospective study included 160 patients with a parotid gland tumor who underwent fine-needle aspiration and parotidectomy surgery between January 2005 and August 2016 at the Limoges university hospital center.
RESULTS: On 160 fine-needle aspirations performed, fine-needle aspiration diagnoses were: 77 benign lesions, 35 malignant lesions and 48 non-diagnostic cases. Final histological diagnosis revealed there were 113 benign lesions and 47 malignant lesions. A hundred and one cytological diagnoses were accurate over 112 contributive fine-needle aspirations: seven false-negative cases and 4 false-positive cases were observed. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 82, 95 and 90% respectively for fine-needle aspiration, and 83, 95 and 92% respectively for association of fine-needle aspiration and magnetic resonance imaging. Diagnostic concordance between fine-needle aspiration and final histology for malignant lesions was 78%. A greater number of contributive fine-needle aspirations was observed among experimented operators.
DISCUSSION: Fine-needle aspiration is a reliable, safe and effective diagnostic tool that allows good differentiation between malignant and benign diagnosis in the preoperative management of parotid gland tumors. The association of fine-needle aspiration and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can improve diagnostic performance.

PMID: 29031506 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

from Cancer via ola Kala on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2kSV6bG

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