Πέμπτη 19 Απριλίου 2018

The Modified Ketogenic Diet in Adults with Glioblastoma: An Evaluation of Feasibility and Deliverability within the National Health Service.

The Modified Ketogenic Diet in Adults with Glioblastoma: An Evaluation of Feasibility and Deliverability within the National Health Service.

Nutr Cancer. 2018 Apr 18;:1-7

Authors: Martin-McGill KJ, Marson AG, Tudur Smith C, Jenkinson MD

There is an increasing interest in the use of the ketogenic diet (KD) as an adjuvant therapy for glioma patients. We assessed the tolerability and feasibility of a modified ketogenic diet (MKD) in patients with glioma, along with willingness of patients to participate in future randomized controlled trials. The study was undertaken in two parts; a patient questionnaire and evaluation of the diet. One hundred and seventy-two questionnaires were completed; 69% (n = 119) of the population reported MKD should be offered to patients with glioma and 73% (n = 125) would be willing to try MKD for 3 months. Six male patients with high grade gliomas tried the diet; 4 completed the 3-month feasibility period. Ketosis was achieved in all patients. The only gastrointestinal side effect was constipation (n = 2). Minimal changes were observed in weight, body mass index, fat mass and cholesterol profiles. MKD was well tolerated, with few side effects and is deliverable within a financially viable, NHS service. There is a high level of interest in the diet within the glioma patient community to ensure adequate recruitment for a clinical trial. Further studies are required to demonstrate efficacy and patient benefit before implementing a service.

PMID: 29668317 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


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