Πέμπτη 19 Απριλίου 2018

The role of intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) in the management of patients with pancreatic and periampullary cancer: A single center experience

Publication date: Available online 18 April 2018
Source:Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute
Author(s): Ayman Zaki Azzam, Ahmed Alqarni, Tarek Mahmoud Amin
BackgroundIn spite of the advances in modern surgery, the outcome for patients suffering from pancreatic adenocarcinoma or periampullary adenocarcinoma is still bad. Recently, introperative radiotherapy (IORT) was introduced into the multimodality management approach to improve both tumor control and patient' survival.Aim of workTo evaluate our initial experience in combined surgical resection and IORT, and to evaluate the feasibility of the application of IORT and its effect on morbidity, mortality and local recurrence.Patients and methodsThis study was conducted at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Data were collected retrospectively. A total of six patients were included in the study, during the period from November 2013 to April 2017. All surgeries were done by the same surgeon.ResultsThe average age was 60 years (50–71). The patients were four males and two females. Five patients underwent complete surgical resection (pancreaticoduodenectomy) combined with IORT. One patient had locally advanced pancreatic tumor which was beyond surgical resection, for whom surgical bypass was done to overcome the biliary obstruction combined with IORT. Two patients died from disease progression and liver metastases. The remaining four patients survived without any evidence of local recurrence or metastases on follow-up.ConclusionApplication of IORT is safe and feasible. It can be applied without additional morbidities or mortalities. Although our results are satisfactory, yet they need to be applied on a larger number of patients with longer periods of follow-up to reach sound conclusions.


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