Bartter's syndrome is a rare genetic tubulopathy affecting the loop of Henle leading to salt wasting. It is commonly seen in utero or in early neonatal period. Rare cases of acquired Bartter's syndrome are report...
Παρασκευή 17 Αυγούστου 2018
Bartter syndrome-like phenotype in a patient with diabetes: a case report
Dedifferentiated parosteal osteosarcoma of the maxilla: a case report and review of the literature
Parosteal osteosarcomas are usually low-grade tumors, however, sometimes they transform to high-grade tumors, which is named dedifferentiation. This phenomenon has been reported in long bones. Recently, we enc...
Survival Analysis and Interpretation of Time-to-Event Data: The Tortoise and the Hare
Readiness for Discharge After Foot and Ankle Surgery Using Peripheral Nerve Blocks: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Spinal and General Anesthesia as Supplements to Nerve Blocks
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers Before Elective Noncardiac Surgery: An Ongoing Dilemma
Promoting a Restrictive Intraoperative Transfusion Strategy: The Influence of a Transfusion Guideline and a Novel Software Tool
α-Asarone Alleviated Chronic Constriction Injury–Induced Neuropathic Pain Through Inhibition of Spinal Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in an Liver X Receptor–Dependent Manner
Description of a Novel Set-up for Functional Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Performance During Ex Vivo Heart Perfusion
Fibrinogen Concentrate in Cardiovascular Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Intralobar pulmonary sequestration associated with Bochdalek hernia: first reported case in an adult male and literature review
Pulmonary sequestrations (PS) are rare congenital malformations that can be difficult to diagnose. PS have no connection with the bronchial tree and are vascularized through an aberrant artery mostly arising from descending thoracic or abdominal aorta. The standard diagnostic method is the computed tomography angiography and delayed diagnosis can lead to recurrent pneumonia and hemoptysis. Herein, we have a case of a patient with an intralobar sequestration associated with a Bochdalek hernia. The diagnosis was delayed in this case as with many other similar case reports because details of the patient's history were overlooked.
Ruptured pseudoaneurysm of an unnamed vessel as complication of chronic pancreatitis
Pseudoaneurysms in the celiac territory are mostly managed conservatively. Endovascular thromboembolisation with or without stenting is currently the standard treatment with good outcome. We present a case of a patient with chronic pancreatitis who initially underwent endovascular treatment for presumed splenic artery pseudoaneurysm and subsequently required surgical intervention for complicated unnamed artery pseudoaneurysm. Radiological diagnosis was instrumental in guiding the ensuing surgical procedure and the patient made a good postoperative recovery.
Bifid omental band: an unusual cause of small bowel obstruction
Small bowel obstruction (SBO) in adults is most commonly caused by postoperative adhesions, hernias or neoplasms. Here, we report a unique case of SBO caused by a bifid omental band in a 65-year-old female who presented with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal and pelvic computed tomography showed dilation of mid-small bowel suggestive of partial SBO. An abdominal x-ray and small bowel series confirmed a high grade SBO. When initial conservative treatment failed, exploratory laparoscopy was performed and it was discovered that the patient had a bifid omental band encircling the small bowel, resulting in obstruction. Following resection of the band, she had an uneventful post-surgical recovery.
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