Predicting serious complications in patients with cancer and pulmonary embolism using decision tree modelling: the EPIPHANY Index
British Journal of Cancer 116, 994 (11 April 2017). doi:10.1038/bjc.2017.48
Authors: A Carmona-Bayonas, P Jiménez-Fonseca, C Font, F Fenoy, R Otero, C Beato, J M Plasencia, M Biosca, M Sánchez, M Benegas, D Calvo-Temprano, D Varona, L Faez, I de la Haba, M Antonio, O Madridano, M P Solis, A Ramchandani, E Castañón, P J Marchena, M Martín, F Ayala de la Peña & V Vicente
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