Πέμπτη 16 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Landmarks in UK anaesthesia

The celebrations in 2017 marking the award of a Royal Charter to the College of Anaesthetists 25 yr ago have been wide ranging and highly successful. They have acknowledged the significant contributions that the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) has since made to postgraduate education and training, to healthcare quality and patient safety, and to acute medical care both in hospital and beyond. Meetings have been held around the UK to demonstrate the commitment and accomplishments of the RCoA to all its fellows. A major part of the celebrations was the RCoA Anniversary Meeting organized under the leadership of Dr Ramana Alladi in London in March 2017. That scientific meeting entitled 'Landmarks in UK Anaesthesia' highlighted the major contributions that fellows of the RCoA have made to clinical and translational research, teaching and training, and healthcare quality improvement in the last 25 yr.


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