Τρίτη 23 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Temporal Layering of Signaling Effectors Drives Chromatin Remodeling during Hair Follicle Stem Cell Lineage Progression

Publication date: Available online 11 January 2018
Source:Cell Stem Cell
Author(s): Rene C. Adam, Hanseul Yang, Yejing Ge, Wen-Hui Lien, Ping Wang, Yilin Zhao, Lisa Polak, John Levorse, Sanjeethan C. Baksh, Deyou Zheng, Elaine Fuchs
Tissue regeneration relies on resident stem cells (SCs), whose activity and lineage choices are influenced by the microenvironment. Exploiting the synchronized, cyclical bouts of tissue regeneration in hair follicles (HFs), we investigate how microenvironment dynamics shape the emergence of stem cell lineages. Employing epigenetic and ChIP-seq profiling, we uncover how signal-dependent transcription factors couple spatiotemporal cues to chromatin dynamics, thereby choreographing stem cell lineages. Using enhancer-driven reporters, mutagenesis, and genetics, we show that simultaneous BMP-inhibitory and WNT signals set the stage for lineage choices by establishing chromatin platforms permissive for diversification. Mechanistically, when binding of BMP effector pSMAD1 is relieved, enhancers driving HF-stem cell master regulators are silenced. Concomitantly, multipotent, lineage-fated enhancers silent in HF-stem cells become activated by exchanging WNT effectors TCF3/4 for LEF1. Throughout regeneration, lineage enhancers continue reliance upon LEF1 but then achieve specificity by accommodating additional incoming signaling effectors. Barriers to progenitor plasticity increase when diverse, signal-sensitive transcription factors shape LEF1-regulated enhancer dynamics.

Graphical abstract



How external signals interface with chromatin to coax stem cells along distinct tissue lineage programs remains a mystery. Here, Adam et al. combine epigenomic, genetic, single-cell transcriptome, and chromatin sensor data to show how new fates are acquired through temporal layering of signaling effectors atop established chromatin platforms.


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